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Used 1948 Crosley

Interior Color:Tan
Body Type:Convertible
Exterior Color:Green
Vehicle Title:Clear
Item status:In archive   SEE NEW ADS >>>>>   

Seller Description

Up for your consideration is a very unique and very uncommon Crosley Automobile. The title states that this particular car is a 1948 CD model although someone who was familiar with Crosley Motors told me he thought it could possibly in actuality a 1949 model. This specific car spent many years in a museum in Nebraska as part of a Crosley Radio exhibit before being auctioned and purchased by the current owner (my uncle) in 1998. As such it is in pretty solid condition as far as rust and corrosion are concerned judging by the look of the underside. That being said, it does have flawsand some corrosion here and there, just simply stating that for a 70 year old car it is in better than would be expected for a car that has not recently undergone a restoration. The car was repainted many years ago and is not a high caliber paint job which does show some age. This Crosley is equipped with the believed to be original engine that starts and runs very well and the transmission and drivetrain perform the same.

The brakes are currently not in working order due to the car sitting for the last couple of years. This would make a great project for someone or a great car to drive in parades or just for fun with little work. Crosley's have become more and more rare with age and were only originally made for civilian use from 1[hidden information] with few exceptions. If you are looking to have the most unique car at the next car show, this is definitely the car for you. This cute car is easy to fall in love with and would make a great car to show off.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Thank you for looking and happy bidding.
Shipping can be arranged at buyers expense.

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Item Information

Item ID: 95662
Car location: Provo, Utah, United States
Last update: 5.12.2018
Views: 325
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1948 Crosley
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