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Used 1969 Porsche 912 Coupe, Factory RHD

Right, Left Hand Drive:Right-Hand Drive
Car Type:Restoration, Salvage
Body Type:Coupe
Type of Title:Clear (most titles)
For Sale by:Private Seller
:Requires a full restoration
Item status:In archive   SEE NEW ADS >>>>>   

Seller Description

Up for auction is a 1969 Porsche 912 Coupe Factory RHD (UK Import). Early 911 / 912 bodies are becoming harderto find in Australia, coupes are even more so, and to find a Factory RHD is near impossible.

The car will be sold with the dolly on castors.
This is a perfect base for a 911 conversion, or a 912 restoration if you desire.
The car was imported in March 2010 through Revival Cars who are Porsche 912 specialists in the UK(
The sale of the car will come with the valid Vehicle Import Approval Papers. Once restored, the car can be registered in any Australian State or Territory subject to the motor vehicle requirements in that region.
It will come with everything you see in the photos, nothing more or less (note: the panels and some rust repair sections have been cable-tied to the car for you to understand what sections they relate to). The shots of the car inside the garage only include the Porsche 912 and panels on the car. The rust repair sections it comes with will cover most of the body repairs required.
Happy to answer any questions about the car - please message [ zero four three one 922 035 ], however there will be no in person inspections due to the state of the world right now.
Please view the images carefully before bidding. I am willing to sell it to an interstate buyer and can assist with organising shipping/transport.
The reserve price is priced to sell, so happy bidding!

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Item Information

Item ID: 180232
Car location: Fairfield, NSW, Australia
For sale by: Private Seller
Last update: 11.09.2020
Views: 190
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1969 Porsche 912 Coupe, Factory RHD
Current customer rating: 4/5 based on 4956 customer reviews