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Used 1978 Bultaco

Vehicle Title:Clear
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Seller Description

For your consideration, another rare classic motorcycle from my collection. 1978 Bultaco Frontera Mk11 370. This is classified as a model 215. This classic fires right up and is ready to go!!. It has new gas tank paint and decals, new Bultaco (thumbs up) plastic, correct Bultaco grips, shift, and kick rubber.

Engine was recently rebuilt to include rings, bearings, and all new seals. OEM Amal carburetor was recently rebuilt and the intake has new reeds. It also has new cables, including new throttle and rear brake cable. All replacement parts were purchased from Bultaco guru Lynn Mobley in Minden, Nevada. Great guy!!!.
This motorcycle also has new tires and tubes, new seat cover, new light/kill switch, new tail light and correct rear rubber plate flap. It comes equipped with a USFS approved Krizman spark arrestor, and is currently registered for off road use valid until June 2022.
Frame # HB[hidden information]Engine# HM[hidden information]
The winning bidder will receive the current California Certificate of Title and the 65 page Bultaco owners/shop manual that contains all the information on the Frontera.
Don't miss your chance for this rare classic!!
If the winning bidder resides near the Reno / Lake Tahoe area, I am willing to discuss assisting in transportation.
Thanks for looking.

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Item Information

Item ID: 184067
Motorcycle location: Truckee, California, United States
Last update: 26.09.2020
Views: 439
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1978 Bultaco
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