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Used 2007 Boss hoss BHC-3 Super Sport Used

Manufacturer:Boss hoss
Exterior Color:Gold
Model:BHC-3 Super Sport
Vehicle Title:Clear
Item status:In archive   SEE NEW ADS >>>>>   

Seller Description

2007 Boss Hoss SUPER SPORT . Condition is Used.
$26,500 is my rock bottom price. No need to ask if I will go any lower.
I will accept Bank to Bank Wire Transfers and cash.
This bike is virtually NEW, only 345 miles!!!The Super Sport models are limited. They are lower than normal and have a seat heightof only 26-1/2".Custom Paint by: Scotty's. The formula for the paint is under the seat on a placard from Scotty's.Has been stored it's entire life in a environmentally controlled space.
Ready to go!!!!
I have a video available upon request.I would need your Ph#.Ebay has not been punctual sending message alerts so I may be delayed responding.

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Item Information

Item ID: 191886
Motorcycle location: Valley Lee, Maryland, United States
Last update: 10.11.2020
Views: 388
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2007 Boss hoss BHC-3 Super Sport Used
Current customer rating: 5/5 based on 5308 customer reviews

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