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Used 2012 Victory Cross Country Used

Vehicle Title:Clean
Model:Cross Country
Exterior Color:Blue
Item status:In archive   SEE NEW ADS >>>>>   

Seller Description

Vic Baggers Backbone/26 big wheel kit-26” X1 replica rwheel-Custom Paint-Vic Baggers Trunk Mount-Andrews cams-Maximous Tune -Full custom Stereo-Ape hanger bars-Heated Corbin Seat-Led headlight-Tires less then 3k-Tri Oval Exhaust-Keyless Ignition -magnum and shown windshield -covered in Vic Baggers contrast cut accessories. 45k miles. The cams were done around 38k milesInsane clear stereo3 1000 watt sound digital amps1 400 watt sound digital amp1 10” sub2 10” mid range2 8” mid range4 6.5’4 tweeters 2 batteries

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Item Information

Item ID: 191276
Motorcycle location: Peoria, Arizona, United States
For sale by: Private Seller
Last update: 8.11.2020
Views: 273
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2012 Victory Cross Country Used
Current customer rating: 5/5 based on 683 customer reviews