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Used 2001 Bentley Azure Used

:Part of a Collection - Mulliner Widebody - 44000kms or 27350 Miles . Car is in Great Condition , All 4 Tires Just replaced - Full Service just completed - Originally a US car - Meticulously Maintained - No issues . - 6.75L Turbo Engine - Seats and interior show very minimal wear and mileage is 100% accurate. Can be seen Locally in Toronto - Contact me at 416 722 7704 Can assist with transport to anywhere in the world
Item status:In archive   SEE NEW ADS >>>>>   

Seller Description

1 of 27 Made Worldwide Bentley Azure Mulliner 2001 - Great piece to any collectors collection - You will not find one cleaner. This is the Widebody Mulliner which is super rare making it that much more collectible . Car has no issues and will be safetied and can be mechanically checked prior to pickup . Any questions please message or call 416 722 7704 .
**Car has one small claim of $11000 CAD on carfax(bumper got tapped from behind along with the tail light cracking) ,have pictures to show what damage was(please message if you want them) , was professionally repaired using original parts**

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Item Information

Item ID: 154820
Car location: Brampton, Canada
For sale by: Private Seller
Last update: 11.05.2020
Views: 317
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2001 Bentley Azure Used
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