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Used Bimota DB3 Mantra 1996

Product Type:Road Bikes
For sale by:Dealer
:Can export to any port in the world рџЊЋSee video of the motorbike running below
Item status:In archive   SEE NEW ADS >>>>>   

Seller Description

Bimota DB3 Mantra 1996As per picturesIn very good condition, only has 4xxxkms on the clock. Runs and rides great, looks to be original besides the pipes (these after market pipes looks to have been expensive.. super light)Not many of these motorbikes were made, they only came out in yellow and red. Apparently the red coloured DB3 were more harder to find.900cc Ducati twin engineat the moment, Unfortunately can't be registered in Australia due to age and being a import. But From Jan 2020 it can be registered when new laws come in. Would definitely suit a Bimota collector.Can export to any port in the worldрџЊЋSee video of the motorbike running below[hidden information]/

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Item Information

Item ID: 148072
Motorcycle location: Springwood, QLD, Australia
Last update: 29.03.2020
Views: 140
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Bimota DB3 Mantra 1996
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