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Used Greeves Griffon 250 1969 VMX, classic Motor X, not YZ,RM, KTM,CR,

Date of Manufacture:196900
Type:Motorcross (Off-Road)
For sale by:Private seller
Engine Capacity (cc):250
Gears:Four-speed manual
Number of Previous Owners:1
:Restored in 90s
Item status:In archive   SEE NEW ADS >>>>>   

Seller Description

Up for Auction is my much loved & looked after Greeves Griffon 250 1969. Sold new through Burrows and Stacker in Malvern Vic. Purchased by me from second owner 1972. Never raced by me, but had it registered for off-road during the 1970's. From memory it has been over bored .060" using a piston and rings purchased from Noel Shipp in Wollongong in circa 1985. Never ridden in anger since. It has Mikuni fitted from a Yamaha DT 1 bought from John Burrows. I have an original Amal which will go with the bike as well as a new boot for the air filter. This bike has not been raced since I bought it and is mostly original with very few mods. Forks are in excellent condition, you will not find an older Motor cross bike that has only had 1 owner after this many years, it will start first kick and any inspection will not disappoint.

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Item Information

Item ID: 182979
Motorcycle location: Hastings, Victoria, Australia
Last update: 22.09.2020
Views: 500
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Greeves Griffon 250 1969 VMX, classic Motor X, not YZ,RM, KTM,CR,
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