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Used 2002 Husaberg FE Used Yellow 470L Petrol

V5 Registration Document:Present
Modified Item:No
Independent Vehicle Inspection:Yes
Start Type:Combo
Engine Size:470
Gears:Six-speed manual
Drive Type:Chain
Previous owners (excl. current):8
Type:Enduro/Supermoto (road legal)
Date of 1st Registration:20020516
Item status:In archive   SEE NEW ADS >>>>>   

Seller Description

2002 Husaberg FE470Has just had a total rebuild from DCR (Dave Clarke Racing).... twice !! I only collected it back yesterday (thu 14th)Everything was replaced with the exception of the crank and the casings .... all bearings, valves, springs, piston, rod, brand new plated liner etc all brand newBeing the 470 it’s quite rare now and in exceptional condition for bike of this typeI have a folder full of history, I doubt there is one elsewhere with as much and includes original booksFitted with quality equipment as standardIf should keep this as have spent over 4 figures on it but I purchased a TE300 whilst this was in Preston and have decided to keep that insteadAny inspection welcomedMay consider a px depending what it is and abiding by e bay rulesDefinitely a future classic and in exceptional conditionCollection only unless otherwise arranged (observing social distancing)Any questions fire away

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Item Information

Item ID: 211979
Motorcycle location: colchester, United Kingdom
Last update: 25.04.2021
Views: 234
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2002 Husaberg FE Used Yellow 470L Petrol
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