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Used Royal Enfield Continental GT 535cc cafe racer (Learner Legal)

For sale by:Private seller
Item status:In archive   SEE NEW ADS >>>>>   

Seller Description

2015 Royal Enfield Continental GT 535cc (Learner Legal)
10 Months Rego
Excellent condition with loads of cafe racer mods and accessories. Always garaged and never ridden in the rain.
Serviced with books available. Lots of life in the tyres (see pics).
Only traveled 4000kms. Runs perfect, only selling to pursue other interests.
A real head turner with all these accessories included:
Sport exhaust $500Custom taillight $107LED Blinkers $120Rear shock upgrade $300Front end spring gaiters $300Cafe racer mirrors $200Bike purchased for $9800 on road + accessory costs.(Receipts available)
Low starting price for quick sale. Same bikes with more kms, less rego and way less accessories listed for $7K on bike sales.
For questions or to arrange an inspection, please phone Paul: [hidden information]
Bike located in Newcastle NSW 2289.
Buyer is responsible for pickup or courier arrangements and costs. I'm happy to assist with pickup or transport small distances (please contact). Payment on collection or bank transfer preferred. Contact prior if you wish to use paypal (fees must be covered by buyer).
No 'buy it now' or offers.
I'm also selling a1960 650cc BSA A10 Road Rocket Motorcycle and Sidecar.

Please click 'view my other items'.

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Item Information

Item ID: 122707
Motorcycle location: Adamstown, NSW, Australia
Last update: 29.05.2019
Views: 487
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Royal Enfield Continental GT 535cc cafe racer (Learner Legal)
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