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Used SUZUKI T500 Titan, Cobra, excellent and original

Date of Manufacture:197200
Product Type:Classic, Collector Bikes
For sale by:Dealer
|Item status:In archive   SEE NEW ADS >>>>>   

Seller Description

Here is an extremely nicely presented 7/1972 Suzuki T500 Titan / Cobra showing 10,649 milesEngine and frame numbers matching T[hidden information]3Starts, runs and rides wellpain excellent, tank clean insideChrome ( some minor pitting to some surfaces ), alloy etc all very niceOverall a very original and genuine bike, mufflers are original, good chrome and no scrapesplease ask any questions, inspection welcome, ask about our door to door deliveryph [hidden information], no text or email my other items and website

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Item Information

Item ID: 227185
Motorcycle location: Springwood, QLD, Australia
Last update: 1.08.2021
Views: 1156
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SUZUKI T500 Titan, Cobra, excellent and original
Current customer rating: 5/5 based on 1712 customer reviews