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Avanti Cars For Sale

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Today are available 1 Used Avanti cars for sale. Our listings includes vehicles from the United States, Canada, United Kingdom and Australia. Use this search form to find the vehicle that you need. avanti for sale in Australia

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1988 Avanti II Convertible

1988 Avanti II Convertible

$ 24000
United States

Other Makes . Condition is Used. Actual VIN # is 12AAV2234J1000257. The only thing to note on the vehicle is that I have a battery disconnect switch when not in use. It has a new battery and alternator and was recently tuned up. Car runs great. It is a Chevy 305 engine. The car was owned by a mechanic who

  • Year: 1988
  • Mileage: 67572
  • Transmission: Automatic
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