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Bugatti EB 110 Cars For Sale

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Bugatti EB 110 cars for sale. Our listings includes vehicles from the United States, Canada, United Kingdom and Australia. Use this search form to find the vehicle that you need. Bugatti well known by the EB 110 model. All Bugatti models you can see here. bugatti for sale in Australia

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In the late 80s. in the lineup of Bugatti there is a powerful extraordinary car that has nothing to do with the classic forms of the brand. The car was unveiled in September 1990 at the Paris Motor Show. It was named EB-110 in honor of the 110th anniversary of the birth of Ettore Bugatti. The general layout of the car was developed by technical director Paolo Stanzani. Marcello Gandini was responsible for the design, but the chief financier of the project did not like that the style of the car was too similar to the creation of Lamborgini. Gandinihe wanted to redo the design, so he was finishing work on the exterior of the supercar Gianpaolo Bendini.

The completely new V12 engine for the EB 110 was developed by Nicola Materazzi. The volume of the engine was decided to be limited to 3.5 liters (the same volume was then the engines of Formula 1). With the help of four turbines, the V12 produced 560 hp. and accelerated the car to 336 km / h. The machine block was made of aluminum. The designers managed to achieve a low compression ratio of 7.5: 1. Powerful brakes for this supercar were designed by Bosch, and Bugatti has improved theirrukzion, providing it with ventilated ABS.

All components and assemblies of the car were subjected to the most severe tests. For example, the engines were dynamometer tested at 95% rpm for 300 hours. And when, after 50,000 km of road tests, the rigidity of the aluminum chassis decreased by 20%, Aerospatiale's rocket division was tasked with making a monocoque made of ulefibre for the EB 110. This material is extremely strong and lighter than steel or aluminum alloys. Monocoque carries an all-wheel drive system and gearboxgears located in front of the mid-engine and connected by a cardan with the front wheel differentials. It is noteworthy that the gearbox was developed with the participation of Porsche.

A total of 12 prototypes were involved in the tests, with Jean-Philippe Vitecock and Loris Bicocci doing the test work. Michelin has made for the EB 110 not only tires that can withstand speeds of more than 300 km / h, but also winter tires.

The entrance to the salon is through high arched doors. Inside - a harmonious combination of quality leather and gnuts. The impressive dashboard contains a clock, air conditioning, electrical programming of the seating surface and a high-quality stereo / CD recorder.

The Bugatti EB 110 GT debuted in September 1991. There were few differences from the basic version. The changes mainly affected the interior and the power unit. With 3.5 l / 559 hp engine this version could accelerate to 344 km / h and became the fastest production car in the world at that time.

In March 1992, a 610-horsepower version of the EB 110 SS (Super Sport) appeared with a maximum speed of 351 km /... This version often took part in sports of various ranks and achieved good results. In 1994, Michael Schumacher bought such a car for himself - after he drove it during a supercar test organized by one of the German magazines.

Bugatti EB 110 became the best of the best, but its further fate was unenviable: less than one and a half hundred copies were produced. In the mid-90s, the EB 110 project was doomed, demand was falling every month. In 1995, Bugatti filed for bankruptcy.

List of the Bugatti models