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AC Cars Cars For Sale In Australia

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Today are available 2 Used AC Cars cars for sale. This listings include AC Cars Cars from the Australia. Use this search form to find the vehicle that you need. ac_cars for sale in Australia

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2004 AC Cobra

2004 AC Cobra

AUD $ 48948

This show winning car is the apex of style and leisure. With only 1400-km on the clock it is priced for a quick sale at $69000. Built in 2004 this car has been perfected over the years to the beautiful machine it is today.This beautiful AC Cobra is fitted with a 5L Ford Motor, a 4 speed gearbox, Torana

  • Fuel type: Petrol
  • Transmission: Automatic
2004 AC Cobra

2004 AC Cobra

AUD $ 47294

2004 AC CobraSpecifications:This vehicle presents really well and is in immaculate condition. It was originally built in 2004 and has been perfected over the years, resulting in what we have today.This stunning example of AC Cobra engineering is fitted with a 5Ltr Ford motor and 4-speed

  • Fuel type: Petrol
  • Transmission: Automatic
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AC Cars Ltd is one of the oldest car companies in the UK, specializing in the production of exclusively sports cars, which are distinguished by excellent driving and dynamic qualities.

The founders of the company were engineer John Weller and the wealthy butcher John Portwine. It happened in 1902. They decided to create a company on a partnership basis in order to take part in a business that was then considered not only the most progressive, but also revolutionary.

In 1907 Sociable was born, the first passenger car of the company.Pania AC.

In 1911 the company was renamed to Autocarriers LTD, and in 1922 it was renamed again to AC Cars LTD.

In the period 1919-25. AC has taken part in many car competitions. It was the AC that held the 100 mph speed record in the class of cars with an engine capacity of 1.5 liters.

In 1960, the Cobra was introduced, designed by Carol Shelby, which successfully combined the most powerful American eight-cylinder engine and lightweight chassis from Ace.

From 1987 to 1992, AC was part of the Ford Motor Company, but then again became privately owned. December 1996 AC Voshla to Pride Automotive Group Inc.

AC Cars Ace was first shown in Turin (Italy) at the 1992 Motor Show. It is a high performance sports car with a convertible body and a classic layout.

At the same 1992 motor show, the Aceca sports coupe was presented.

By 1995, a new generation of AC Cobra Mk IV models was developed, but after the sale of a small number of copies, its production was suspended.