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Commer Cars For Sale In United Kingdom

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Today are available 1 Used Commer cars for sale. This listings include Commer Cars from the United Kingdom. Use this search form to find the vehicle that you need. commer for sale in Australia

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1934 Commer Woodie - Hot Rod/Rat Rod/Gasser/Woody Project inc 350ci V8, Box/axle

1934 Commer Woodie - Hot Rod/Rat Rod/Gasser/Woody ...

United Kingdom

1934 Commer Shooting Brake Woodie Estate Hot Rod/Rat Rod/Gasser ProjectVery RareForget restoring it - This is a fabulous Hot Rod ProjectI have had this in storage for a number years and I always had 2 possible plans for itFirst Plan was to make it a Gasser as its got a beautiful beam on the front with a

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