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Bultaco lobito Motorcycles For Sale In Canada

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Today are available 2 Used Bultaco lobito motorcycles for sale. This listings include Bultaco lobito Motorcycles from the Canada. Use this search form to find the vehicle that you need. bultaco for sale in Australia

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1966 Bultaco lobito

1966 Bultaco lobito

CAD $ 2500

1966 bultaco when is the last time you seen one of these. my friend had it for 15 years in his living room. it ran when he put it in his house. all original.262-613-2647

  • Year: 1966
  • Mileage: 1934
2003 Bultaco Lobito Enduro

2003 Bultaco Lobito Enduro

CAD $ 2500

2003 Bultaco Lobito Enduro, 50 cc engine, like new. Bike was shipped in from the U.K. You have to apply for title in your state.

  • Year: 2003
  • Mileage: 10
Pages: 1