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Vincent rapide Motorcycles For Sale In Canada

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Today are available 7 Used Vincent rapide motorcycles for sale. This listings include Vincent rapide Motorcycles from the Canada. Use this search form to find the vehicle that you need. vincent for sale in Australia

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1948 Vincent RAPIDE

1948 Vincent RAPIDE

CAD $ 55000

1948 Vincent RAPIDE

1946 Vincent Rapide

1946 Vincent Rapide

CAD $ 74000

In 1946, after WW2, the Vincent factory began production again, with the new and improved Rapide B model that would be the basis of all Vincent motorcycles made until the companies close in December 1955. Just (17) motorcycles were produced that year, Serial numbers F10AB/1/3 through

  • Year: 1946
  • Mileage: 28742
1951 Vincent Rapide

1951 Vincent Rapide

CAD $ 60000

1951 Vincent Rapide. Not a matching numbers bike. I’ve owned it for 10 years. The motor was redone in South Africa by the best Vincent specialist (85 yrs old now) in the country and one of the best worldwide. I put around 200 miles on it in the last 10years.I restored the rest of the bike 3 years ago

  • Year: 1951
  • Mileage: 20
1951 Vincent Rapide

1951 Vincent Rapide

CAD $ 14311

Very Nice Original Vincent Touring Rapide a matching #s engine UFM & RFM as well as center case#s! , orig touring fenders correct Dunlop 18" rear 19" front rims This is a Very correct and orig Vincent! Started last year sitting in collectionsince then. Vincent is titled and

  • Year: 1951
  • Mileage: 902
1951 Vincent Rapide

1951 Vincent Rapide

CAD $ 23750

Very Nice Original Vincent Touring Rapide a matching #s engine UFM & RFM as well as center case#s! , orig touring fenders correct Dunlop 18" rear 19" front rims This is a Very correct and orig parts Vincent! Started last year sitting in collectionsince then. Vincent is titled and

  • Year: 1951
  • Mileage: 902
1951 Vincent RAPIDE

1951 Vincent RAPIDE

CAD $ 50000

1951 VINCENT RAPIDE SERIES C. A MATCHING NUMBERS BIKE.The previous owner brought this bike with him when he moved to California from England in 1988 before his move to the USA the bike had a documented full restoration. The owner rodethe bike around CA and prior to my purchase had a Top-end overhaul

  • Year: 1951
  • Mileage: 2000
1953 Vincent Rapide

1953 Vincent Rapide

CAD $ 38220

Howdy, Up for auction is a 1953 Vincent Rapide Series C. Its in good original running condition. I bought it over 20 years ago. The last owner had it just as long. I only rode it to shows or breakfast once in a while. It has 441 kilometers on it. I put less than 100 of them on it. The last owner collected

  • Year: 1953
  • Mileage: 411
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