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Bourget Motorcycles For Sale In United Kingdom

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Bourget motorcycles for sale. This listings include Bourget Motorcycles from the United Kingdom. Use this search form to find the vehicle that you need. bourget for sale in Australia

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Having developed a unique elongated drop tank design, they have won a huge success among the consumer, anyone could recognize the "brainchild" of Roger Bourget. This newest, at that time, motorcycle project, began to be reproduced by other equally famous motorcycle brands. Roger was the first to install wheels with a 170-17 automobile tire on a motorcycle. The legendary V-twin was installed in a jackshaft frame. The design and shape of the frame was developed using computer technology, carefully checking parts and accessories. In 2005, the family broke up. Roger became the sole owner of the company, but continued to manufacture motorcycles alone. Four years later, a motorcycle was released under the name "Bourget Cobra T-6". "Best of the best" this unsurpassed device has received such fame. He also participated in the 2009 AMD Customizing World Championship in the Production Manufacturer class. The cost of such a copy is about 80 thousand dollars.