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Boss Hoss 57 Chevy Trike Motorcycles For Sale In United States

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Today are available 1 Used Boss Hoss 57 Chevy Trike motorcycles for sale. This listings include Boss Hoss 57 Chevy Trike Motorcycles from the United States. Use this search form to find the vehicle that you need. boss-hoss for sale in Australia

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2008 Boss Hoss 57 Chevy trike

2008 Boss Hoss 57 Chevy trike

$ 28500
United States

This is a brand new build. $15500 in paint alone,pictures does no justice, has not been on the road or any shows since done , custome seat, many new parts, air ride , absolutely the nicest looking boss hoss trike out there. Can drive it anywhere needs nothing put gas in and goPaint is stunning real candy

  • Year: 2008
  • Mileage: 18000
Pages: 1