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Greeves Motorcycles For Sale In United States

Greeves Logo

Today are available 3 Used Greeves motorcycles for sale. This listings include Greeves Motorcycles from the United States. Use this search form to find the vehicle that you need. greeves for sale in Australia

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1964 Greeves 250 Scrambler

1964 Greeves 250 Scrambler

$ 0
United States

1964 Greeves 250 Scrambler

  • Year: 1964
  • Mileage: 1234
  • Fuel type: Gasoline
  • Transmission: --
1964 Greeves 250 Scrambler

1964 Greeves 250 Scrambler

$ 3599
United States

1964 Greeves 250 Scrambler

  • Year: 1964
  • Mileage: 1234
  • Fuel type: Gasoline
  • Transmission: --
1969 Greeves Ranger

1969 Greeves Ranger

$ 5000
United States

1969 Greeves Ranger, believed 166 original miles. Believed because bike was apparently improperly repaired and sat for a long time. I commissioned repair by Greeves expert who put the bike back together the way the factory intended. Gas drained from tank and has been sitting since repair.

  • Year: 1969
  • Mileage: 167
Pages: 1 
One fine summer evening, Bert Greaves was mowing a lawn in Worcestershire, England. His work was overseen by a cousin, Derry Preston-Cobb, who was paralyzed from birth and sat in a wheelchair. At one point, Preston-Cobb suggested adapting the lawnmower's engine to a wheelchair. Greaves got down to business and rather quickly removed the motor from the mower and set it on the chair. This design cannot be called too complicated, but very soon it formed the basis of the "Invakar" company, which began to supply the government with three-wheeled vehicles for disabled people. The company moved to Worcester and eventually settled in Thundersley, Essex. Bert Greaves began to think about creating a motorcycle. The prototype with the Villiers engine came out of the Invakar gate; Greaves's name was stamped on his gas tank. Frank Biford, workshop foreman at Invacar, regularly drove this experimental car to local competitions. In 1953, the official birth of the Greaves motorcycle took place, significantly different from the prototype created several years earlier.