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American LaFrance Cars For Sale In United Kingdom

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Today are available 1 Used American LaFrance cars for sale. This listings include American LaFrance Cars from the United Kingdom. Use this search form to find the vehicle that you need. american_lafrance for sale in Australia

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1924 American La France Fire truck 14.5 liter straight six chain drive .

1924 American La France Fire truck 14.5 liter straight six ...

United Kingdom

Unique oportunity to purchase a totally original unmolested 1924 American La France fire truck in need of restoration . Ideal candidate to recreate a monsterous period chain drive speedster . Not many in the UK . Imported in 2008 . duties paid . ready for UK registration . It rolls and stops and

  • Year: 1924
  • Mileage: 1
  • Transmission: manual
Pages: 1