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Vento Motorcycles For Sale

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Vento motorcycles for sale. Our listings includes vehicles from the United States, Canada, United Kingdom and Australia. Use this search form to find the vehicle that you need. vento for sale in Australia

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With the beginning of 1998, a large Vento plant was opened in the USA itself (in the state of Texas). This decision of the company's management was caused by the need to strengthen control over the quality of produced two-wheeled vehicles and spare parts for them. As a result, the level of competitiveness of the manufacturer of foreign motorcycles Vento Ranger, Verso and Gladiator has significantly increased. The installation of components in Laredo was an important step in the development of the American company. Vento's headquarters were located in the same USA. It was located in a large Californian city called San Diego. All design work was carried out exactly in this place. The same goes for customer support. The aforementioned brand placed its stake in the sales of its products on the domestic American market. Nevertheless, the manufacturer's dealer network was quite extensive, including offices in 30 countries around the world. And the sales volumes of such motorcycle equipment were impressive. In 2003 alone, the USA sold almost 20 thousand bikes of this company. Almost 5 times more two-wheeled vehicles were sold during this time in Latin America and Russia. In addition to foreign motorcycles of this brand, compatriots bought scooters and all-terrain vehicles. At the Mexican place of production of a small two-wheeled vehicle, this manufacturer was able to overtake even all the legendary Japanese motorcycle brands in sales. This is not surprising, because the foreign Vento bikes fully met all the requirements of the very picky American National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. This organization constantly finds shortcomings in iron horses and promotes their recall to factories, no matter how popular the motorcycle brand has produced them, be it Aprilia, BMW or Honda. Most foreign Vento motorcycles have a small cubic (250 cm3) V-engine. This is quite enough to accelerate such a light bike (up to 170 kg on average). Whatever it was, but the next crisis still "killed" the manufacturer. He completely stopped production of moto in 2008.