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Husaberg Motorcycles For Sale In United Kingdom

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Today are available 5 Used Husaberg motorcycles for sale. This listings include Husaberg Motorcycles from the United Kingdom. Use this search form to find the vehicle that you need. husaberg for sale in Australia

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Details about   Husaberg FE 501

Details about  Husaberg FE 501

United Kingdom

Details about Husaberg FE 501

Husaberg fe450

Husaberg fe450

United Kingdom

If you are reading this you know what these bikes are about and I reckon mine is one of the best out there. I have had a couple of husabergs before and when I saw this last year with only 30 genuine hrs on the clock I had to have it. I sold my trusty drz and the deal was done. I had put another 35 hrs on it when I

  • Year: 2005
Husaberg 450 fs supermoto 08

Husaberg 450 fs supermoto 08

United Kingdom

Husaberg fs 450 supermoto 08 model mint condition new excell wheels with talon anodized hubs new tyres full engine rebuild with invoice at a cost of 1500 this bike is mint starts on the button and goes like a rocket you will not find another supermoto like this last of the real bergs always run on

  • Year: 2008
  • Mileage: 2000
husaberg 400 fe

husaberg 400 fe

United Kingdom

Any questions call 07841900685 side stand needs a bit of attention see photo lot of new parts fitted UK buyers only thanks for looking stu cash on collection m.o.t Dec 21

  • Year: 2001
Husaberg FE470 no swap or px

Husaberg FE470 no swap or px

United Kingdom

2002 Husaberg FE470Has just had a total rebuild from DCR (Dave Clarke Racing).... twice !! I only collected it back yesterday (thu 14th)Everything was replaced with the exception of the crank and the casings .... all bearings, valves, springs, piston, rod, brand new plated liner etc all brand

  • Year: 2002
Pages: 1 
In 1988 the Italian company MV Agusta becomes the owner of the Swedish company Husqvarna. As a result, Swedish engineers remain unemployed. But Tomass Gustevsson finds a solution to this situation by combining the remaining employees, he rebuilds the company and resumes the production of off-road motorcycles. Soon, sponsors were found to design and manufacture the latest motorcycles under the Husaberg brand. The financial assistance provided was very modest, but that did not stop him from gaining recognition and winning many victories and 17 titles in the motocross and enduro championships. In 1995, the company faces bankruptcy, which becomes the reason for a change in management. The Austrian company KTM becomes the owner of Husaberg. Since 2003, the motorcycle manufacturer has moved to Austria. Five years later, Husaberg is revolutionizing motorcycle history with a 70 degree four-stroke engine. This bike wins the World Enduro Championship with the new FE 450. In 2012, KTM completely changed the range of motorcycles, applying the latest technologies and developments.