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Hyosung Motorcycles For Sale In Canada

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Today are available 3 Used Hyosung motorcycles for sale. This listings include Hyosung Motorcycles from the Canada. Use this search form to find the vehicle that you need. hyosung for sale in Australia

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2007 Hyosung GT650R

2007 Hyosung GT650R

CAD $ 3400

Ihave a 2007 Hyosung Gt650R sport bike it is in excellent condition almost new. It was stored properly and runs great, I had to put some new stuff on it as it sat for most of the time. It has 1250 original miles on it as of nowI have been riding it and will continueto ride it not to exceed 1400 miles to

  • Year: 2007
  • Mileage: 1860
2008 Hyosung GT650R

2008 Hyosung GT650R

CAD $ 600

SERIOUS BIDDERS ONLY!Bike starts right up and rides but needs TLC. Has not been on the road hard in two years so I'd recommend for fluids to be changed. Bike has never been in any accident or collision while riding but was dropped once last year and once two years ago causing some dings in the photo. In

  • Year: 2008
  • Mileage: 7377
2009 Hyosung V2C-650

2009 Hyosung V2C-650

CAD $ 1800

General informationModel:UM V2C-650SYear:2009Category:Custom / cruiserRating:68.7 out of 100. Show full rating and compare with other bikesPrice as new (MSRP):US$ 6799. Prices depend on country, taxes, accessories, etc.Engine and transmissionDisplacement:647.00 ccm (39.48 cubic

  • Year: 2009
  • Mileage: 5270
Pages: 1 
Since 1979, the South Korean company Hyosung has been more specialized in the development and production of all kinds of scooters, different cubic capacity. Road, enduro, tourist and sports motorcycles. Off-road vehicles, all-terrain vehicles and buggies with ATV. Since 1986, having signed a contract, has been producing numerous components for the Japanese company Suzuki. And in 1994, he began his own production of affordable, quite competitive motorcycles, installing licensed engines of the world leader Suzuki. Releasing all kinds of models of motor vehicles, the company successfully sells its products in more than 60 different countries of the world. Gaining more and more popularity due to the successful combination of modern design, reliability and affordable price. South Korean manufacturer that began operations in 1978.